Exercise During Your Period

It is difficult to predict exactly how you will feel during your period. Some people have few symptoms, others struggle to get out of bed thanks to cramps, headaches, pain and nausea. Today, Flo reveals the best food to eat during his time to relieve swelling, swelling, mood swings and more. Carbohydrates and sweets are common in your period, but too much can lead to swelling, water retention, poor concentration and irritability.

It contains odor, which helps strengthen and strengthen the uterus, and it has been shown to reduce cramps and discomfort during our period. It also contains manganese and magnesium, which are essential for promoting good fertility. By keeping your iron levels high, you can maintain your mood and energy level. It can also help with brain mist, so make sure to include iron-rich foods such as nuts, beans, peas, red meat and lentils in your diet. Here is a detailed report on anemia and menstrual periods and how to keep your iron levels high during your period. Symptoms of known periods such as PMS, mood swings, swelling and cramps are due to hormonal fluctuation, which is why our menstrual cycles occur first.

This post should help you understand how to use food as a tool to balance your hormones and support your body. Of course, for people suffering from endometriosis or PCOS, simply trying to live a healthier lifestyle will not help ease the excruciating pain of the period. Traditional treatment for primary dysmenorrhea does not always work and sometimes women cannot tolerate treatment. About 20 to 25 percent of women do not receive or cannot use conventional dysmenorrhea treatments.

Health professionals can prescribe herbs to treat a woman’s menstrual cramps. Black cohosh, cramps bark, turmeric and chaste berries are some herbs that have been used. Kasteberry is widely used in Europe to treat irregular menstrual cycles, cyclic breast discomfort, PMS and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Make sure your doctor knows all your medical conditions, medicines and supplements, because herbs are not suitable for all women. Herbs can interfere with or reduce the effectiveness of some medications.

If you have a complete picture of your medical history, your doctor may find the best treatment for you. Curcumin, an ingredient in the tumic root, can help relieve the symptoms of PMS. Women treated with curcumin reported improvements in behavior, mood and physical symptoms due to PMS. Curcumin can also have benefits for people with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, IBS, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases and other conditions. It may sound like a lot of blood, but a girl generally only loses a few tablespoons of blood throughout the period. Most girls have to replace their pillow, tampon or menstrual cup about 3 to 6 times a day.

While pain killers generally help, there are actually more natural steps you can take to get your body through the process, with your diet as an important factor to consider. During this luteal phase, it is actually more important to focus on which food to avoid, rather than what to eat. Generally reduce your intake of refined sugars, processed foods and alcohol. Some drinks probably have no effect on your body, but they can change your hormones, increasing the mood.

But if your blood sugar levels rise and fall, Dr. McClure says you may feel tired or often have a headache. Herbal tea has anti-inflammatory properties and antispasmodic compounds that can reduce muscle spasms in the uterus that cause cramps. Drinking chamomile, fennel or ginger tea is an easy and natural way to relieve menstrual cramps. Herbal tea can also have other benefits, such as stress relief and insomnia help.

Caffeine comes in many forms, including coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate and energy drinks. If you use caffeine daily, you may need to slowly decrease your dose to avoid withdrawal symptoms. As a replacement, try smoothies loaded with vegetables rich in antioxidants, berries and protein powder. Nutrients give you a much needed pick-up without the greatest pain that caffeine can accompany. The researchers studied the effects of vitamin B1 and fish oil on the symptoms of dysmenorrhea in high school students. The women took treatment at the beginning of their menstrual cycles and lasted 2 months.

Massage cream with essential oils such as sage, lavender and marjoram has extra benefits for the body. These oils contain compounds that many have reported to help relieve pain and soothe dysmenorrhea. There are plenty of delicious meals during sanitary pads your period to overcome monthly pain and discomfort. To aid digestion and restore what is lost during menstruation, avoid sugary, salty and fatty treats and choose heart-friendly, high-fiber foods with tons of fruits and vegetables.

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