10 Questions To Ask When Hiring An SEO Consultant

You need to drive traffic through additional channels, such as paid search, email marketing, social media, and affiliate relationships. It allows you to turn off a source and increase the volume on additional channels to compensate for a sudden drop in traffic. Focusing all resources on organic traffic is potential brand suicide. I would advise you to only work with someone who not only advises you to spread the risk, but also has the experience and knowledge to help you implement the additional traffic sources.

Some key KPIs include the number of organic sessions you have, search engine rankings for specific keywords, conversion rate, phone calls, and others. Ask the consultant exactly how these KPIs improve so you know you’re getting the read more results you need. Companies that once kept their SEO in-house find it harder to create measurable SEO success. Creating effective backlinks now requires engaging content, influencer marketing, and at least a little PR knowledge.

Where SEO could once be done effectively with keyword density comparisons and cheaply purchased backlinks, modern SEO only works as part of a holistic, integrated digital marketing strategy. When choosing between professional SEO services, keep in mind the specific goals you hope to achieve. Also consider which KPIs will be used to measure whether these goals are being achieved.

This answer is more subjective and no one will blame you if it turns out that your predictions were wrong, but giving a well-thought-out answer shows that you are paying attention to the industry. You can talk about the two indexes that Google will start using in 2018 and how that will affect mobile SEO and the ongoing importance of providing a good user experience. Take a look at what the experts say before you answer your SEO interview questions and you’ll look like someone who knows. This is another SEO interview question you’ll answer based on your experience, but some details you can mention include how PPC can be used to drive traffic while you wait for SEO-optimized pages to start ranking. Also, we no longer have keyword research tools just for SEO, so we need to use PPC tools. SEO training is a good way to transition into a digital marketing career for sales professionals who want to get out of sales, or recent graduates who have completed their MBA/B.E/B.SC skills.

If you’re interviewing for a managerial or SEO manager position, you can expect to answer questions about any of the topics covered above, as well as questions about your management experience. As an SEO manager or manager, you are expected to know the basics of SEO, as well as technical SEO and other aspects of digital marketing, such as website optimization, content marketing, search engine marketing, strategy, and analytics. You’ll likely manage a team of copywriters and web developers to implement and achieve SEO goals for your organization. It might be time to hire a search engine optimization expert, either as an employee, individual consultant, or SEO consulting firm.

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